Leisure TravelEating outRestaurants advice

Restaurants advice
Restaurants advice
There is a wide choice for whoever wishes to eat out in Tunisia and a number of restaurants offering really refined cuisine, as well as places offering simple and affordable, yet tasty food.

Restaurants can generally be divided into three categories:
  Gastronomical restaurants: these offer either a national specialty or international cuisine (Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Indian, Italian, etc.). These places are of an upper range and offer nice linens, silverware and china, among other trimmings.
  Gargottes: these places serve affordable, simple meals, based on Tunisia’s favourite dishes. These are filling, savoury dishes and cover a wide array of specialties such as Brik, Fricassée, Loubia, Pasta, Bambalooni, etc.
 Fast food joints: These places are particularly suited for families with kids, as pizza is always a favourite among them. They serve a variety of pizzas and sandwiches, and can vary from just average to very good. You can generally judge quality by the length of the queue in front of the place.